Pausing For Breath
Well, I'm finally getting to the end of the backlog of designs I had prepared for the Sims 3 and am starting to work on new stuff as well as going back through previous submissions improving the entries for them. It has been a bit of a production line this last 2 months... I have felt just driven to get to this point.
Everything I create I do so for the fun of it and to use in the game myself. I'm just an amateur who enjoys sharing. I have tried really hard to get my work up to the select artist standard because I don't want to be flooding the database with rubbish, but I don't appear to be able to tap in to whatever the requirements are for that. I'm not sure if it is my taste or the actual quality of my work. Regardless of what TSR think of my contributions though as long people keep downloading and thanking and commenting that keeps me motivated to share, and I will keep trying to improve my work and it's presentation.
Thanks again to all who download and especially those who take the time comment. It's a pleasure to share with such an appreciative and friendly community.